Extension of temporary arrangement for vouchers

24/12/2020 - From 16 March 2020, vouchers (which meet the conditions) issued by organisations signed up to VZR Garant for travel cancelled due to the coronavirus have been covered by the VZR Garant guarantee scheme. Originally, this temporary arrangement was due to expire on 31 December 2020.

On 23 December 2020, the Board of VZR Garant decided to extend this temporary arrangement for vouchers once more by a period of three months. This means that up to and including 31 March 2021, participants in the VZR Garant guarantee scheme can issue vouchers for travel cancelled due to the coronavirus and that such vouchers will be covered by the guarantee scheme, subject to the conditions previously communicated. In addition to the previously communicated conditions, the following supplementary conditions also apply:

  • Vouchers may only be issued if the traveller booked with the participating organisation in 2020. No vouchers providing cover under the guarantee scheme may be issued for bookings made after 31 December 2020.
  • Vouchers may only be issued for bookings to be fulfilled before 1 April 2021. No vouchers providing cover under the guarantee scheme may be issued for bookings to be fulfilled on or after 1 April 2021.

All the conditions can be found here. For the sake of completeness, we would like to emphasise that vouchers can only be issued for those bookings that the coronavirus (or consequences thereof) will make it impossible to fulfil. Vouchers may not be issued for bookings that it may still be possible to fulfil.

No vouchers may be issued for any bookings that do not meet the above conditions. The normal statutory provisions relating to refunds in the event of the participating organisation cancelling a booking will apply in such cases.

Under the transitional arrangements outlined above, the temporary arrangement for vouchers will expire on 31 March 2021. The VZR Garant Board may decide to adjust this time frame in response to further developments.

Read here which conditions the voucher needs to meet in order to be covered by VZR Garant's guarantee.

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Our guarantee fund covers

Travel and holidays

Travel and holidays

We are here to serve organisations providing holidays, business trips, coach tours, accommodation, etc.

Chartered/non-chartered sailing

Chartered/non-chartered sailing

Our members include providers of sailing trips, sailing camps, inland boating, sea cruising, etc.

Outdoor sports

Outdoor sports

We also serve organisations providing activities such as walking, survival activities and sports.

Your activity?

Your activity?

If your particular segment is not included in the above list, contact us to discuss your needs.