Your payment is protected

  • Organisation bankrupt? Get your money back or travel anyway

  • Worry-free booking with 385 organisations

  • Information about all guarantee fund members


Your booking payment is guaranteed with VZR Garant

The assurances

Relax and enjoy thanks to VZR Garant

Booking a trip or travel package with an organisation signed up to the VZR Garant guarantee fund? Then there is no risk of you losing any advance payment made if the organisation goes bankrupt.

And even if the organisation becomes insolvent once you are already enjoying your trip, we will be there for you. We will make sure you can continue having a good time without any worries. Or, if there is no alternative, we will ensure you return home safely.

So, when booking a trip, always check whether the organiser has signed up to VZR Garant and whether the guarantee scheme has been correctly applied. You can then go on your travels with peace of mind and enjoy a worry-free holiday. Any guarantee is subject to certain conditions, and we like to be upfront about ours from the outset.

Read through the entire guarantee scheme.

How it works

How our guarantee fund works

The organisation you book with ensures that your trip is covered by the VZR Garant guarantee fund. They do this by signing up to VZR Garant and by operating in accordance with the guarantee scheme. This gives you, the traveller, the protection you’re entitled to.

If the organisation is no longer financially able to meet its obligations towards you, any payments you’ve already made will be refunded to you or we’ll do everything we can to ensure that you can still enjoy your trip or that you can return home safely.

Read through the entire guarantee scheme.

What to look out for

As a traveller, what should I look out for?

When making a booking, it is important that you carefully check whether the organisation is an VZR Garant member and operates in accordance with the guarantee scheme. How to check this:

1. The organisation is listed on the VZR Garant website as a member. If you are not sure whether an organisation is a VZR Garant member, please contact us before booking and paying.

2. The organisation’s standard terms and conditions state that it is a VZR Garant member.

3. The agreement you enter into with the organisation clearly states that the VZR Garant guarantee applies.

4. Check our guarantee scheme to see when you are entitled to the VZR Guarantee and what you are entitled to in that case.

Organisation bankrupt?

What should you do in the event of insolvency?

To find out about insolvency involving VZR Garant members, view the latest news. If you suspect your travel organisation has gone bankrupt or been granted a suspension of payments but you can’t find any information about that on our website, then please contact us straight away.

If your trip has not yet begun:
If your travel organisation has been declared bankrupt or granted a suspension of payments and your trip has not yet begun, our guarantee scheme explains exactly what VZR Garant covers and how you can make a claim. To receive compensation under the guarantee, you always need to make a claim yourself.

If your trip has already begun:
If your trip has already begun, get in touch with us immediately. This is essential so that we can help you as quickly and efficiently as possible. You can contact us by telephone or email.

The benefits for you

Full protection

Full protection

Your booking payment is protected by VZR Garant, an approved guarantee fund.

Relax and enjoy

Relax and enjoy

Both before and during your trip, you can relax and enjoy yourself thanks to the certainty VZR Garant gives you.

Secure and reliable

Secure and reliable

Experience the sense of security you get from an approved guarantee scheme that complies with all applicable requirements.

Information about members

Information about members

Instant access to all VZR Garant member organisations. If you have any doubts, please contact us.

Latest news

VZR Garant members

Want to look for an organisation?

All members of VZR Garant are listed on this website. Check here to see whether the organiser of your trip has signed up to our guarantee scheme.